Make your next group event even more special!


Private Functions

We love running private functions for both small and large groups! Previously we have worked with a range of school groups, Girl Guides, bridal shower parties, special birthday functions, and societies of people who are looking to do something creative and fun!

We can accommodate up to 30 guests at one time in our space, and are happy to discuss options of either providing the materials and instructions required for events held at other venues, or may be able to have one of our staff members attend to help out. Book a time during our shop opening hours, or enquire about the possibility of booking a time after hours.

Please get in touch with us and describe your group’s requirements so we can help to create the perfect function space and opportunity for your individual event. For more information, see below some examples of our package options.

Package Options

We are more than happy to create custom private function packages to best suit the needs of your group, but here are some of our more popular options!

Skills Class

Your group can learn how to design, make, and finish a set project with expert help!

Allow between 45 - 90 minutes.

Skills class options:

  • Christmas decorations - includes our safety pin angels, safety pin trees, beaded name decorations, and more.

  • Beaded projects such as necklaces, bracelets, bookmarks, keychains, suncatchers, and more - learn how to design and make a beaded project and crimp and clasp on wire.

  • Elastic tying projects such as bracelets and rings - learn how to design and make a beaded project and tie elastic.

  • Earrings - learn how to design and make beaded earrings by looping wire.

  • Charm necklaces or charm bracelets - learn how to design and make a charm project from scratch.

Your preferred option not listed? Contact us to discuss a different or custom project.

In this option there are two sub-options: either we designate which beads you can choose from and have a set cost per person, or each person is free to choose their own beads from around the whole store, eventuating in slightly different end costs per person as all of the beads are individually priced. The minimum base cost for the classes varies depending on the skill taught and materials.

Open Workshop

Your group can all make different projects and have full flexibility and use of our workshop space.

Allow between 45 - 90 minutes.

In this option we offer you our workshop space and provide knowledge for how to make whatever each individual person would like to make, such as a necklace, bracelet, earrings, bookmark, keychain, suncatcher, etc.

Rather than running the workshop like a class, people would have the fluidity to design and make whatever they would like, and our staff will step in to finish off the designs by clasping etc.

In this option there are two sub-options: either we designate which beads you can choose from and have a set cost per person, or each person is free to choose their own beads from around the whole store, eventuating in slightly different end costs per person as all of the beads are individually priced.

For the variable cost option, each item has a base cost of between $2-$5 to allow for the cost of the raw materials, and then the individual beads get added on top, resulting in an end cost that can vary between $10 and $80 per person depending on what kinds of beads and how many things the individual chooses to make. 

For the set cost option, for example, if the group had a set budget of $20 per person, an individual could choose to make two bookmarks, or a necklace, or a ring, pair of earrings, and bracelet. This option follows the format of our build your own birthday packages.